AlexRockinJapan is a travel blog and free travel guide that wants to help you and all other Japan enthusiasts to get the best out of your trip to Japan. Our goal is to provide comprehensive information about the best travel destinations in Japan and all the must-see sightseeing spots. We are best known for our honest reviews and thorough blog posts.
“I want to help people who are planning to travel to Japan or dream about living in Japan with comprehensive information about Japan’s best travel destinations and honest opinions and reviews about Japan’s must-see sightseeing spots”
My Story

I’m Alex. I have been into anime, manga, and video games like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, since my childhood. It took more than 10 years until I could fulfill my childhood dream of traveling to Japan, and even longer until I was finally able to move to Tokyo and live in Japan.
I have always been mesmerized and fascinated by Japan and Japanese culture and after my first Japan trip in September 2011, I traveled to Japan as often and as long as I could. Usually 2-3 times a year. I literally spent all of my paid holidays in this country.
However, I quickly noticed that spending a couple of weeks in this country is not enough and so I applied for a work & travel visa. In 2014, I backpacked through Japan for 7 months to visit all of its 47 prefectures before spending the last month living in a small apartment in Tokyo.
Just one year later, on September 2nd of 2015, I moved to Japan and I have been living in Tokyo since then. I still travel a lot because I like to go on tour with my favorite bands and I just recently decided that I want to visit all 47 prefectures one more time!
But why should I keep all the things I have learned about traveling through Japan and my experiences to myself when I can help other people to get the best out of their trip to Japan?
That’s what I thought and that’s why I created this travel blog “AlexRockinJapan“. In the future, I want to provide useful and comprehensive information about all prefectures, the most popular travel destinations, and honest reviews about the best sightseeing spots in each city.
Hopefully, my articles will help you to plan an unforgettable trip and spend the best time of your life in Japan! If you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime!
Let’s rock through Japan together!
Contact & Follow Me

Instagram: alexrockinjapan
Twitter: @AlexRockinJapan
Pinterest: alexrockinjapan
If you have any questions or remarks feel free to send me a message here via Google Forms!
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